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Erwin Barona



Born in the Philippines, of Ilocano heritage. I am married to a wonderful wife, Gina. We have three "kids" --- a gentleman and two ladies; I will always call them my kids.


Migrated to Canada in 2005.

My passion for photography started when Gina and I were mountaineers, cameras around our necks to document the places we visited. Somehow, there was a point when I felt that there was more to it than just taking pictures. 

Personally, photography is a way to express my self, as in any other art form. What you see is who I was and am, built from my relationships with others, my lessons learned from success and failures, from unique personal experiences.

Move out from the busy-ness. Be still. Re-connect with yourself. It is my hope that as you view the images (and read my blog), these may also trigger reflection and an "inwardbound" exercise, uniquely your own as I did. Enjoy!

Should you be interested having prints of any of my images, please feel free to eMail me.

serendipity [ser-uhn-DIP-i-tee]. noun. discovering something of more value than what was originally sought for.

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